In the light of the foregoing vision and mission, SJTCP seeks to achieve the following goals:
- To produce competent engineers, and other professionals including secretaries, technicians and skilled workers who will contribute their expertise to nation building.
- To produce technologically-incline and research oriented graduates in response to the needs of industry and in line with the national development goals;
- To develop professionals, technicians and workers who are morally upright, hardworking, disciplined, socially responsible, and imbued with deep sense of patriotism;
- To promote research studies in Engineering, Science and Technology and other allied disciplines to improve instructional programs and aimed in improving the quality of the life of Filipinos; and
- To promote involvement in community-related outreach activities and extension services thereby strengthening school-community relationship.
SJTCP also envisions the development of the student’s potentials in order to meet the challenges of life (a) physically, so that he may be aware of his particular bodily capabilities and enable him to serve God, country and fellowmen; (b) morally and socially, so that he may acquire an integrated personality and the attitudes and skills, which will enable him to fulfill his responsibilities and commitments as a member of a free and democratic humane society; (c) intellectually, so that he may seek the necessary knowledge and skills that will enable him to be globally competitive and contribute to the growth and development of our economy; and (d) spiritually, so that he may unselfishly render services to God through his fellowmen.