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Admission – SJTCP Official Website


1.       Who can Enroll.  Admission to  SJTCP is open to all students who meet its academic standards and who agree to abide by its policies, rules and regulations.  The act of enrollment confirms the fact that a student has to abide with the said policies, rules and regulations.

2.       Who cannot Enroll.  The following students are ineligible for admission;

2.1  Those without honorable dismissal/certificate

certificate or who have been refused admission in other schools for reason of academic

deficiencies or discipline;

2.2  Those previously admitted to SJTCP but had been expelled or excluded therefrom due to disciplinary and/or academic reasons;

2.3  Those who are suffering from highly infectious or communicable diseases;

2.4  Those transferring from other private schools which do not have any  government recognition or permit;

2.5  Those who have already graduated from SJTCP unless permitted to enroll for a second title or degree is granted by the Registrar  upon the recommendation of the Director of Students Affairs; and the President.

2.6  Those who are undesirable is the sole discretion of SJTCP.


  1. Requirements and Effects. Enrollment is the formal act of the college in admitting for the semester or summer term, as the case maybe, a person who applies as student. It is conditioned on payment of the required fees and compliance with its regulations for admission. Once complied with, the reciprocal relationship between the student and the college begins involving rights, duties and responsibilities for both.
  1. Enrollment Period. All students seeking admission shall enroll during the prescribed enrollment period. No enrollment shall be allowed after the lapse of two weeks following the first day of classes unless the enrollment period is officially extended.
  1. Term of Enrollment. Enrollment in any course at the SJTCP is understood to be for only one semester or term, as the case maybe.
  1. Dropping of Ineligible Students. A student who is discovered after enrollment to be ineligible for admission under Sec. 2, Article IV of this handbook shall be dropped from the rolls. Refund for any payment maybe made as stated in Article VI. Sec. 5.1 hereof.
  1. Cross-Enrollment in Other Institutions. An SJTCP student may be allowed to cross-enroll for a specific semester or term in other institutions of learning if in the same specific semester or term the subjects he needs are not offered in SJTCP, and provided he secures the written approval of the Registrar upon recommendation of the Dean and/or Department Head.