St. John technological College of the Philippines offers Engineering Courses, Information Technology Courses,Business Administration Courses,Technical and Vocational Courses and 60 Hour Courses...
St. John technological College of the Philippines offers Engineering Courses, Information Technology Courses,Business Administration Courses,Technical and Vocational Courses and 60 Hour Courses...
Admission to SJTCP is open to all students who meet its academic standards and who agree to abide by its policies, rules and regulations.
You can get in-touch with us with the following numbers:(02) 938-4167 – Office of the President/Office of the BOT,(02) 937-9956 – VP Admin/ Accounting/ Faculty,(02) 418-8148 – VP Academic Affairs/ Faculty, (02) 417-0405 – Library/ Guidance/ Registrar
Enrollment for academic year 2019-2020 is now ongoing. TESDA ACCREDITED ASSESSMENT CENTER No Entrance Exam DENR ACCREDITED NCPP TECHNICIANS TRAINING CENTER 50% Discount on Tuition Fees for all Freshmen Courses Offered: Engineering Courses (BSEE,BSME,BSCpE,BS in Electronic Engineering) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Business Administration Courses 60-Hour Training Courses SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM TECH-VOC TRACK Automotive Servicing
We are now accepting reservations for Grades 11 and 12 for School Year 2017-2018 NO Entrance Exam No top up No Registration Fee Accepting Government Voucher Just visit our Senior High Registrar’s Office and look for Ma’am Mercy Opiz
Congratulations SJTCP Batch 2015!
If you want to watch the video, click here.To download it, as with every other videos, just prepend the url with ss. As in or you can simply click here.
Our awesome site has been updated. We’ve locked down WordPress, installed legit security plugins and enabled two factor authentication to prevent future malicious attempts, we’ve also hardened our cpanel security against symlink attacks and added few eye candy CSS3 animations. Feel free to contact us for comments and suggestions. Or you can get in touched
Enrollment for Second Semester, SY 2015-2016 is now going on. Contact us for more details.
classes in all levels suspended for Sept. 20, Saturday due to #MarioPH #WalangPasok — QC Local Government (@qclocalgovt) September 19, 2014
We have successfully transfered to a new reliable database server. For months we had been using a free data provider outside of our web host which is why our site tends to go down often, but with our new data provider, we wont be having those problems anymore.
Theme: Translating Vision into Reality Programme of Activities: Sept. 22, 2014 9:00-10:00AMEucharistic Mass10:00-11:00AMRibbon Cutting/Exibits Pre-Judging12:00-1:00Lunch break1:00-2:30Field demo2:30-5:00Literary musical Time Activity 6:00-6:30AM Assembly Time 6:30-8:30AM Parade Sept. 23, 2014 Part I. Skills Competition (Morning) Quiz Bee (Spelling, General Information, Mathematics) Skills Competition(Bartending, Building Wiring, Computer Networking, Logic Circuit Building, PCB Assembly/Disassembly, Programming, Speed Typing,Steno Writing) Awarding